Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sen. Gibbons Launches Campaign for Missouri Attorney General

Click the following link to read the outline of Sen. Gibbons' priorities if elected Attorney General in November 2008 (courtesy of St. Louis Post-Dispatch.)

Gibbons kicks off run for attorney general
By Jo Mannies

Learn more about Sen. Gibbons' bid for Attorney General by visting his campaign home page at

Missouri home owners, especially St. Louis residents: Remember to vote for Sen. Gibbons for Attorney General in November 2008. He has been a powerful voice who always stood for us. He has fought the battles to reform property tax. Please stand up for him between now and November 2008.

Sen. Gibbons will focus on safety and security for all Missourians if elected Attorney General.
Don't elect "Tax and Spend" politicians. You elected "Tax and Spend" politicians to St. Louis County Council. They hit you hard with outrageous property tax. They voted against property tax roll back.

Sen. Gibbons is a friend of Missouri taxpayers. We couldn't ask for anything more.

Missouri Property Tax Reform Movement

Senator Gibbons Speaks Out for St. Louis County Property Owners

Click the following link and read how Sen. Gibbons was outraged by the unfair property tax increases for St. Louis County residents in 2005:

Senator Gibbons has always been fighting for St. Louis County property owners. We need to elect him Attorney General in 2008. Visit his campaign home page at

Residential Property Tax Rates—St. Louis County

The following link is from Sen. Gibbons' Senate Home Page, where he shares with us the residential property tax rates for St. Louis County residents:

Residential Property Tax Rates—St. Louis

The Senator ensures that we are well informed because he is keeping abreast of the problem.
The residents of St. Louis County have a powerful advocate in Jefferson City.

Let us keep the Senator in Jefferson City to work for us. Let us elect him our next Attorney General in November 2008.

Visit his campaign home page at

Sen. Gibbons Protects Home Owners

Fellow Property Tax Payers:

Sen. Gibbons has been relentlessly addressing the problem with property tax since he took over Missouri Senate Leadership in 2005.

Click the following link to read Senator Gibbons Capitol Report of 2005:

Protecting Homeowners from Property Tax Increases

The Senator also talks about simplifying Missouri's Tax Code in the same report.

We need to elect Sen. Gibbons to be our next Attorney General. Please visit his campaign home page at