Friday, November 16, 2007

Senator Gibbons to Introduce a Tax Rollback Bill

State Senate President Pro Tem Michael Gibbons, a longtime critic of the property tax assessment, is very upset that St. Louis County Council is not willing to roll back property tax. The property tax in St. Louis County increased by 22.38% in 2007 compared with last year. A majority of the residents are angry about the skyrocketing tax bills. The Senator said his first priority is property tax rollback but there will be other changes in the system, which may take longer.

Mr. Gibbons sees this as a statewide problem which would require legislative reforms to introduce fairness into the system.

Other Republican state legislators who are also involved to help Missouri property tax payers are:

1. House Speaker Rod Jetton, who organized a Task Force on Property Tax Reform,

2. State Rep. Jane Cunningham, Republican-Chesterfield, and

3. State Rep. Charles Portwood, Republican-Ballwin.

Click the following links for more information on St. Louis County Property Tax as reported in St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

Property tax rollback does not live up to its promise
By By Phil Sutin

At tax meeting, legislators offer plans — for next year
By Phil Sutin


Watch the Video for Michael Gibbons' Candidacy Announcement for Missouri Attorney General by clicking the following link: Michael Gibbons for Attorney General in November 2008

Missouri Property Tax Reform Movement for Michael Gibbons in November 2008.