Friday, August 22, 2008

Sen. Michael Gibbons worked hard to protect Missourians from unfair property tax

Senator Michael Gibbons has a long track record of being a friend of Missouri taxpayers. He worked tirelessly to protect citizens from unfair property taxes by introducing and passing a
bill that mandates rollbacks, closes loopholes, informs taxpayers and expands relief. Please follow the course of his hardwork to protect Missourians from runaway property taxes by clicking the following links:

Senate Leader: Taxpayers Protected. Sen. Gibbons' Bill Mandates Rollbacks, Closes Loopholes, Informs Taxpayers and Expands Relief, July 2, 2008

Senate Protect Taxpayers and Students, May 16, 2008.

Michael Gibbons, the senate leader, introduced, sperheaded , and sent Senate Bill 711 to the governor that protects Missouri taxpayers from tax increases caused by reassessment. Gibbons sponsored the property tax reform that will also close tax increase loopholes, require earlier notice and more information, and expand tax relief for seniors and the disabled. "The days of taxpayers getting hit with tax increases because of reassessment are over," he said. "We're protecting taxpayers from being taxed out of their homes and businesses." The Senate leader
helped increase funding for K-12 education and needs-based scholarships for Missouri
students to attend private and public colleges.

For more information on how Sen. Gibbons fought to protect us from unfair property tax and more, please click the following link: Sen. Gibbons' Press Releases and Bills Sponsored by Sen. Gibbons in 2008. He has excellent legislative, legal, and leadership experience to be our next Attorney General.

Vote for Sen. Gibbons for Attorney General in November 2008. We can't afford to trust Chris Koster to be our next Chief Law Enforcement Officer because he is a flip-flopper, and has no proven leadership skills. He was championing conservative causes a few months ago and now he is a hard-bleeding liberal! Even the democrats don't trust him and that is why he beat Rep. Donnelly by a slim margin! Can we gamble with the office of the Attorney General? We Missouri taxpayers emphatically say NO. Therefore reject Chris Koster for Attorney General in November 2008. The party he recently joined calls Sen. Koster "a democratic impostor". Sen. Koster is neither a Republican nor a Democrat. He is in limbo. We don't need to elect him until he finds himself i.e. attains political stability and maturity. Can you trust a man who jumps ship from the Republican party to the Democratic party to take advantage of what he erroneously perceives to be a golden opportunity for democrats in this election year?

Missouri Taxpayers for Michael Gibbons as our next Attorney General.