Saturday, October 20, 2007

Welcome all Missouri Property Tax Payers

Fellow Missouri Property Tax Payers:

Welcome to Missouri Tax Reform Movement blog. This blog was launched with the help of grassroot supporters of a movement that is drawing a lot of attention across Missouri, especially for the November 2008 elections.

Our purpose is to provide you with information and strategies to:

1. Roll back property taxes e.g. those that were passed by St. Louis County in September 2007.

2. Support politicians that are fighting for property tax reform in the November 2008 elections.

3. Defeat the politicians that are burdening us with property tax in the November 2008 elections.

4. Pressure your state legislatures to pass meaningful legislation to curb the property tax abuses that we all face.

5. Get involved so that we can accomplish our Property Tax Reform goals.

We will also share with Missourians how Senate President Pro Tem Michael Gibbons has been our strongest voice in the Missouri legislature and what we can do to elect him Missouri Attorney General in November 2008.

Now is the time to formulate strategies to send the “Tax and Spend” politicians to early retirement from November 2008. For example those county politicians who are burdening the residents of St. Louis County with unfair property tax need to be rendered jobless in November 2008. Let us use our voting power to send a powerful message to "Tax and Spend" politicians in November 2008. That is what this movement and blog are all about.

Time is of the essence. Get involved. Pass the message around. Vote for pro-Property Tax Reform politicians.

Remember Sen. Gibbons is our most powerful ally in Jefferson City. Vote for him in November 2008.

Missouri Property Tax Reform Movement
Missouri Cities, Towns, Counties

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