Sunday, August 24, 2008

Excerpts from the formal complaint filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission against Chris Koster, July 14, 2008"

Click here to download and read the 57 Page Ethics complaints filed with Missouri Ethics Commission about how Chris Koster is circumventing the laws to raise donations

Do Missourians want a man whose integrity is in question to be or next Attorney General? Missourians are saying emphatically NO. What about the big donors who have been chanelling questionable funds? Don't you think these donors will run the office of the Attorney General? The AG's office wil be up for sale to the highest bidders! The bidders have already showered Mr. Koster with what is believed to be illegal contributions.

Gibbons is the candidate that will bring honesty and integrity into the Attorney General's office. We need to elect him in November 2008.

A majority of the suburban voters who supported Rep. Donnelly say they will vote for Sen. Gibbons who they know so well as the politician who protected them from the unfair property taxes when he was Senate President Pro Tem. Sen. Koster is already in trouble!

Missouri Taxpayers for Senator Gibbons as the next Attorney General.

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