Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sen. Gibbons would focus on three issues as Missouri Attorney General

Sen. Gibbons said in a brief telephone interview, before he knew who his Democratic opponent would be, that he planned to focus on three issues: Integrity in the office, fighting cybercrime, and battling the illegal production of methamphetamines.

Sen. Gibbons said his years as a legislator would help him work with the Legislature to pass favored bills.

Did you know that Sen. Koster referred to his Republican opponent, state Senate President Pro Tem Michael Gibbons, as “a Jefferson City politician…” as though he isn't one? The difference between the two candidates for Attorney General is that Sen. Gibbons has an impressive legislative track record in Jefferson City working hard to protect Missouri's propetry tax payers, students, those with disability, citizens from crime etc. ,while Sen. Chris Koster has a larkluster performance record. After all Gibbons isn't a flip-flopper like Koster, is politically more mature and savvy, and isn't an opportunist like Koster. Koster jumps ship from party to party! What do you expect him to do as Attorney General? Follow his whims, self-interest! Don't gamble with the Attorney General's office. Vote for Sen. Gibbons to be our next Attorney General.

Missouri Taxpayers for Michael Gibbons as the Attorney General.

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